Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Aural Dictation

So here in Spain, the teachers teach more in a manner that is akin to a college in the States: they lecture.

For me, this is a minor catastrophe. With my ADD, it´s hard to pay attention, so it helps a lot when a teacher writes on the board because I can´t miss a word or phrase like one might when someone is speaking.

So in my school in Spain, it´s a little bit like así.

-Ok students, make sure to take notes on this very important complicated intensive idea that will most certainly be on your final exam which is worth 80% of your grade, that I will not write down, but rather, mumble at sonic speed and not repeat.-

I write down as much as I can catch, but it´s a terrible system to communicate ideas. We have books for a reason.

So here is an excerpt of my World History notes from today, translated into English:

-And the economic reform inside list in state formed culture if you put and of canals front and the last royals few center.-

From looking at my notes, you´d think I were running for Miss Teen America.

I always knew geniuses would come out of the first state to secede from the Union.

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