For instance, I can now take the sentence, "Me encanta que mi abuela nos prepare las tartas que nosotros comemos en casa," and do this:
I just find it fascinating that the Principal Subordinado Adjetivo Complemento de Nombre actually has a name, and isn't just some concept that we use but can't explain.
Of course, I can't do this in English, which brings me to my main point: Why? Why haven't I been taught to identify the principle proposition in a sentence? Why does our school system think it's acceptable to give a diploma to high school graduates before they can even tell the difference between a direct and indirect complementary pronoun in their native language? Is just being able to speak English without understanding it enough?
ReplyDeleteI'm Laura and I found your blog, and I am going to Spain in Feb next year for a year!
But, I definitely agree with what you're saying- I feel like I know so much more about everything gramatically in Spanish, than in English. I love that I can distinguish why I need to use the imperfect tense over the preterite tense, or why I have to use a comparative adjective rather than a demonstrative adjective. I wish I had learnt it in English tho- would make it a lot easier! Anyway, your blog is awesome :)